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May 2023 Women's Wellness Issue | | INSPIRING & EMPOWERING INSIGHTS | | | | Studies suggest that 75 to 90 percent of illnesses are stress related. Getting to the root cause before it escalates into cardiovascular disease, depression, diabetes or a litany of other health issues is what curious and compassionate doctors do. Medicine is changing as a new class of doctors endeavors to treat the whole person rather than the symptoms of disease.
No longer reaching for a prescription pad as often, functional and integrative physicians are spending an average of 45 minutes per office visit with their patients. Using their sleuthing skills and innovative skillsets, they ask probing questions about a patient’s current lifestyle and history, pinpoint the root cause of a problem, and craft customized solutions. Armed with an extensive list of better-for-you choices than addictive prescription sleeping pills or tranquilizers, individuals are empowered to improve their health and eliminate stress. | | | | Did you know that our skin is the largest organ, and stress can affect its appearance and function? With a few daily routines, lifestyle modifications, and coping strategies, a radiant appearance and healthy skin is within reach. | | Hormonal imbalances can lead to a wide range of effects, including diabetes, thyroid disease, unintended weight fluctuations, skin problems, fatigue, mood swings, and infertility. Learn how to achieve and maintain balance naturally. | | | | Integrative Treatments for Pets With Mobility Issues | | | | | | | The Women’s Wellness Series Begins TONIGHTTuesday, May 2nd, 8pm ET | | | Join us, as women’s health pioneer Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN, NP, author and creator of the PBS show, Is It Me or My Hormones? hosts our Women’s Wellness Series!
This line-up of presenters are among the most influential and renowned in the realm of whole health, natural, integrative, and functional medicine with expertise in women’s health issues.
Women are more likely than men to report symptoms of stress including headaches, digestive issues, fatigue, and overwhelm. Many do not realize that stress can also lead to issues with fertility, skin, sleep, libido, thyroid, and hormones.
Combined, these top experts have helped tens of thousands of women and will provide you with the necessary tools to cope with stress and enhance both your mental and physical well-being. This series will serve as your blueprint on "Overcoming Stress: How to Balance it All." | | | Free recordings for missed presentations and future reference are available for all attendees. Registration includes a KnoWEwell Explorer membership, which offers an array of benefits including access to thousands of evidence-based articles, hundreds of topic-specific communities, over 100 expert courses, monthly online events (including the June Men’s Health Series, see below), trusted community directories, health library, and so much more. | | KNOWEWELL INDIVIDUAL EDUCATION EVENT | | | Dr. Paul Anderson, a recognized authority in the field of integrative cancer research, joins Dr. Chilkov to discuss how to recover from cancer treatments, including managing the side effects and restoring your health. Learn more and register here.
| | | | | | PRACTITIONERS EDUCATIONAL EVENT | | | | In this seminar, Dr. James Greenblatt will offer novel insights into the metabolic, neurological, hormonal, and genetic underpinnings of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), introducing a functional medicine model for effective treatment. He will present evidence-based nutritional interventions to stabilize mood, reduce agitation and irritability, mitigate suicidality, and optimize brain and neurotransmitters, with a focus on omega-3 fatty acids, low dose lithium, L-theanine, and B vitamins.
Attend this seminar and learn how to incorporate evidence-based strategies for testing and nutritional therapeutics into practice to help improve outcomes for patients with BPD. Learn more and register here. | | | | SPECIAL EVENT: COMING IN JUNE | | Did you think we forgot about the guys???
If you knew you were going to live to 100, how would you change your life today?
When a man is truly healthy — physically, emotionally, and socially — the world is a better place.
At KnoWEwell, we want to be difference makers in the well-being of society by providing the knowledge, tools, and venue for all to live life to their fullest. We take pride in not only helping people add years to their life, but also life to their years. | | | Join KnoWEwell's VP of Operations and bestselling author, Dr. Brian Stenzler, as he hosts this line-up of presenters who are among the most influential and renowned in the realm of men's healthcare and personal development.
Throughout this special Men's Health Series, you will be exposed to a wealth of practical information in each topic area—and will walk away with tangible next steps to use daily. Whether the desire is ideal weight, youthful energy, longevity, healthy libido, or better relationships with your family, this program is a must. | | | Free recordings for missed presentations & future reference are available for all attendees. Registration includes a KnoWEwell Explorer membership, which offers an array of benefits including access to thousands of evidence-based articles, hundreds of topic-specific communities, over 100 expert courses, monthly online events (including the May Women's Wellness Series, see above), trusted community directories, health library, and so much more. | | | ACHIEVE WELLTHIER LIVING Join Your Regenerative Whole Health Hub | | | Learn. Engage. Connect. Thrive. | | Educate. Engage. Connect. Thrive.
| | | | | | | WE ARE GROWING THE GLOBAL REGENERATIVE WHOLE HEALTH MOVEMENT TO TRANSFORM HEALTHCARE THROUGH ECOSYSTEM COLLABORATION, TRUSTED KNOWLEDGE, EDUCATION, AND CONNECTIONS WITH BENEFITS FOR ALL OUR FOUNDER'S STORY | | | | | THANK YOU TO OUR COLLABORATIVE PARTNERS | | | | | KnoWEwell, P.B.C., the global Regenerative Whole Health™ (RWH) benefits and services company, is an award-winning, woman majority-owned, B Certified pending corporation, and 1% for the Planet member. KnoWEwell.com is the one online destination for today’s trusted RWH knowledge, resources, and ecosystem collaborating to help individuals prevent harm, address the root causes of chronic diseases, and inspire and empower the achievement of WELLthier Living™.
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